Risky Benefits
Welcome to Risky Benefits, a podcast from FBMC Management, Inc. As your personal advisor on all things benefits, join host Rick Farris, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, every month while we educate you with all the ins and outs of compensation packages. From topics about insurance to employees and everything in between, you’ll walk away with the knowledge needed to get the most out of healthcare benefits.
Risky Benefits
Farewell to an FBMC Icon: The Retirement of Gingy Sampson - Risky Benefits S4, Ep. #14
You may think personal and career growth is only achieved by moving from one company onto the next every few years. Although it may work well for some people, stability and loyalty to one company can be just as rewarding. Working at one company can be likened to “watching your kid grow, make mistakes, and yet you enjoy their continued growth and success.”
Listen as Risky Benefits salutes podcast guest, Gingy Sampson, FBMC Benefits Management Market Resources Manager, as she reflects on her 37-year career and upcoming retirement from FBMC. Gingy shares her career highlights, including everything from her first FBMC interview, her growth and development under great FBMC leadership, what she learned through her company experiences, her perspective on self empowerment and advocacy, along with her parting advice to others.
To listen in and subscribe to more episodes, visit our website: fbmc.com/podcast.